BÁBA Z LEDU / premiéra

Baba z ľadu

Ice Mother

hraný • fiction / 2017 / Česko, Francúzsko, Slovensko • Czech Republic, France, Slovakia / far. • col. / 107 min.

Réžia • Director: Bohdan Sláma
Scenár • Screenplay: Bohdan Sláma
Kamera • Photography: Diviš Marek
Strih • Editor: Jan Daňhel
Hrajú • Cast: Zuzana Kronerová, Pavel Nový, Josef Krystínek, Daniel Vízek, Václav Neužil, Marek Daniel, Tatiana Vilhelmová, Petra Špalková, Alena Mihulová, Marie Ludvíková, Luboš Veselý


Baba_z_ladu_2-1080x380rývajúci zložité vzťahy medzi príslušníkmi troch generácií prináša nádej, že život možno vziať do vlastných rúk v akomkoľvek veku.

After meeting the winter swimmer Broňo, the widow Hana gradually starts changing her stereotypical life, which has until then revolved solely around her grown sons, daughters-in-law and grandchildren. While the 60-year-old Hana is experiencing a love story, the traditional weekend lunches in the family house are losing their idyllic character and it is slowly revealed that all the protagonists have a secret. Hana finds an unexpected ally in her grandson Ivánek, who not only falls in love with the peculiar Broňo, but also with his chicken Adéla and the community of winter swimmers meeting on the bank of Vltava. The story uncovering difficult relationships between members of three generations brings forth hope that one can take their life into their own hands no matter their age.